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Splunk Monitoring Application for SAP Process Orchestration

Why SAP Process Orchestration?

SAP Process Orchestration Solution is a comprehensive platform designed to streamline and automate business processes within organizations. Its main function is to integrate various systems, applications, and data sources, enabling seamless end-to-end process automation. With SAP Process Orchestration Solution, businesses can optimize workflows, monitor and manage processes in real-time, and ensure smooth data exchange, ultimately enhancing operational efficiency and enabling better decision-making.

Rojo has created an ideal solution to streamline the integration of data from multiple sources into the SAP Process Orchestration Solution platform, guaranteeing a fast and reliable implementation in your organization.

How the Rojo accelerator works

To optimize your business processes, you must be able to follow the information flows that run through them. Keep your processes connected by getting all the essential insights into their interfaces. Our Splunk Monitoring Application for SAP CPI takes classical integration monitoring beyond. A comprehensive monitoring solution that provides critical Cloud Integration platform insights. Lay the foundation for your organization’s end-to-end process observability and run IT operations and business efficiently. Go from data to actionable business insights today.Connect SAP Process Orchestration and Splunk easily with our innovative monitoring suite and gain deeper insights into your business data running through SAP Process Orchestration! Using Splunk’s mighty power, the Process Orchestration monitoring suite helps you reach your ultimate goal of complete end-to-end monitoring for your systems and business processes.

Consisting of three components, we built the ideal Splunk Monitoring Application for SAP Process Orchestration. The powerful combination of an accelerator for SAP along with an add-on and an application deployed on Splunk makes the possibility of end-to-end integration data monitoring reality. The app comes with prebuilt dashboards on pre-defined data models enabling quick and smooth setup.


A quick glimpse into the SAP PO landscape hosted on different machines (OS). Helpful for Business Owners to get insight into the messages by different statuses, channel level information in its different states. Also, CPU utilization, memory utilization and last uptime of both SAP PO machine as well as the uptime of the machines on which SAP PO is hosted.

Message Statistics

Full insight into SAP PO message traffic. Gain visibility on message information like message count, message size, processing time per interface. Facilitates push of selective messages from SAP PO integration flows to Splunk. Search and correlate to gain full operational insight on business data. It supports extraction of interface-specific metadata along with XML payloads. It supports both synchronous and asynchronous messaging. It also supports the visibility into the messages processed per node.


Get insight into the failed messages. Interactive dashboard to find any interface in failure along with the root cause of the failure. Insight into the sender component, receiver component and namespace for the interfaces in failure along with the message id and timestamp. Node level information is also visible as in count of messages that failed per node. Its also interesting to see the messages failed by different statuses of PO like canceled or system error.

Communication Channel Statistics

Get insight into the total number communication channels and the different states that they are in. Visibility into the services that the channels are associated with, along with their asctivation state and channel state. Its also interesting to gain visibility into the last uptime and last downtime of the channels. Gain insight into the top 10 services of SAP PO consuming most channels.

System Performance

Gain insight into the health of the machine on which SAP PO is hosted. Gain insight in terms of CPU utilization, memory utilization, uptime of SAP PO machine and the machine on which SAP PO is hosted, current running processes, information abou the disk usage. Its interesting to also view the trends of all these parameters as well.

Business Benefits

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Key Features

By leveraging Splunk’s capabilities, the solution packs pre-defined data models with add-on and prebuilt dashboards as an app. This guarantees a seamless and fast setup. Get up and running in a matter of hours.

Long term analytics on the traffic
Keep your logs as long as you want in Splunk. This way, you are able to make trend analyses of the data traffic in your organization.
Centralized Monitoring
In the SAP PO solution of Splunk, we have the possibility to filter on any environments of SAP PO since SAP PO application can be hosted on different machines for different environments.
Insight into Channel Information
Visibility into the unique errors of SAP PO
Get visibility into the total errors of SAP PO and among those failures what are the unique errors is an intersting find.
Free Text Search
Search all your SAP PO data from one screen.
Set Up Guide
We also provide the documentation as a guide to set up the add-on and app in Splunk. A Splunk admin should be able to configure the SAP PO Monitoring App and Add-On and share the app with Splunk users with the right privilege

How we helped others with their integration challenges


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